We are committed to providing quality customer service at our airport. Townsville Airport participates in the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Service Quality (ASQ) benchmarking program. It is a regulatory requirement that Townsville Airport presents customer feedback to the public. This program is also used by Townsville Airport to track performance of specific criteria against investments made in improving services.


The ASQ program is currently paused due to COVID-19 impacts.

The ACI ASQ aims to be the world’s best airport customer service analysis and benchmarking program. ASQ monitors the opinions of thousands of passengers at departure gates around the world. The survey is conducted year-round and is based on a standard questionnaire that covers 31 key service items. Townsville Airport participates in the ASQ research because it offers a world benchmark and best practice in monitoring service quality. ASQ is a benchmarking tool for airports to test customer satisfaction levels across a range of services and operations.

The program has more than 300 airports participating and is designed for airports which require regularly updated information on their service performance for operational and strategic decision-making. More than half of the world’s top 100 airports participate in ASQ. Every month, at all participating airports, departing passengers are interviewed about their on-the-day experience. All airports use the same questionnaire and methodology. Every year, over 500,000 passengers are interviewed for the ASQ Survey. The program offers quarterly results providing insight and comparisons with service performance of airports all over the world.